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Mortgage Comparison Calculator

Your home is an investment. If you have a mortgage, then you probably want to repay your mortgage as soon as possible, minimizing your interest cost, without sacrificing your quality of life. Use this mortgage comparison calculator to compare two different mortgages and choose the best mortgage that will suite your needs. Full use of double up payments, lump sum payments, unique payments, custom payments, skips, and percentage increases are available.


Mortgage Comparison


Input values in the white boxes.
When available, make selection from drop down list.
You may alter the regular payment provided by inputting a Custom Payment in the box provided.
You may enter a unique payment in the Mortgage Table tab.
Go to the Report tab to view the results of the calculator.



Mortgage Details

Choose which country the mortgage will be borrowed in.

Mortgage Balance
Input the amount of the initial or current mortgage balance.

Interest Rate Type
Choose which type of interest rate your mortgage will have.

Interest Rate
Input the annual interest rate stated by the lender.

Input the number of years that it will take to repay the mortgage.

Payments per Year
Choose how frequent you will make mortgage payments

Input the number of years the current mortgage term will be.

This is the regular payment amount you will be pay according to the variables chosen.

Custom Payment
You may alter the regular payment by entering the desired payment amount in this box. Return to the default payment by entering a ZERO value.

Repayment Options

Skip a Payments per Year
Input the number of skipped payments every year.

Double Up Payment Amount
Input the amount of each double up payment to be made. Enter “MAX” to automatically fully double up these payments.

Double Ups per Year
Input the number of double up payments made every year.

Lump Sum Payment Amount
Input the amount of the regular annual lump sum payment that will be made every year.

Annual Percentage Increase
Input the percentage amount that the regular payment will be increased by every year.

Unique Payment
Input the amount of each unique payment to be made only in the chosen year.



Fixed Rate in Canada are compounded semi-annually, all other rates types in USA and Canada are compounded at the payment frequency.

All calculations are made on the assumption that the year is divided equally by the amount of payments made per year.

Double up payment(s) are applied to the first payment(s) of the year.

Skips are applied on the final payment(s) of the year.

Lump Sum payments and Unique payments are applied to the final balance of a year.

All results are calculated based on the input variables provided by the user, and assumptions that are believed to be reasonable. Finanseva.com does not make any express or implied warranties with respect to the information or results in connection to this, or any other calculator. Finanseva.com will not be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from any errors or omissions in any information or results, or any action or decision made by users in reliance on any information or results. Please consult Instructions & Assumptions for further details.