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SPICE Subsidy Scheme

  • 30-Apr-2024

In this blog, CA Vikas Jain, a renowned expert in financial consulting for MSMEs, will guide you through everything you need to know about the SPICE Subsidy Scheme using a helpful question-and-answer format.

Get ready to explore:

  • What exactly is the SPICE Subsidy Scheme?
  • How can your MSME benefit from this scheme?
  • What are the eligibility criteria and the application process?
  • And most importantly, how can this scheme empower your business to adopt circular economy practices and contribute to a greener tomorrow?

So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's dive into the world of SPICE Subsidy Scheme with CA Vikas Jain!


Q1: What is the Spice Scheme?

A: The Spice Scheme, also known as the AICTE-Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES), is a program launched by the Indian government through the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). It aims to foster creativity, innovation, and ethical behavior among students pursuing technical education.

Q2: What does a project mean in the context of Circular Economy in India?

A: In the context of Circular Economy in India, a project refers to initiatives that strive to close the loop of production and consumption. This means minimizing waste, utilizing resources efficiently, and designing products for extended durability.

Q3: What is the government's objective in introducing this scheme?

A: The government's objectives behind the Spice Scheme might include:

Reducing waste generation: Minimizing waste through recycling, remanufacturing, and upcycling of products.

Promoting resource efficiency: Utilizing resources like energy, water, and raw materials effectively.

Creating new business opportunities for MSMEs: Encouraging new businesses and jobs in the Circular Economy domain.

Promoting sustainable development: Fostering economic growth while protecting the environment.

Q4: What kind of MSMEs can benefit from this scheme?

A: MSMEs that can potentially benefit from the Spice Scheme include those operating in:

Manufacturing, production, or high-waste-generating sectors.

Adhering to Circular Economy principles.

Demonstrating waste reduction or resource recovery plans.

Meeting eligibility requirements such as MSME registration and turnover.

Q5: What kind of financial assistance is provided under this scheme?

A: Financial assistance under the Spice Scheme could take the form of:

Subsidies: Financial support for investments in circular technologies, infrastructure, or process improvements.

Grants: Funding for Circular Economy projects.

Soft loans: Low-interest loans.

Q6: What are the criteria for availing benefits under this scheme?

A: Criteria for availing benefits under the Spice Scheme might include:

Compliance with specific Circular Economy principles.

Demonstration of waste reduction or resource recovery plans.

Fulfillment of eligibility requirements (e.g., MSME registration, turnover).

Q7: How can MSMEs apply for benefits under this scheme?

A: The application process for Spice Scheme benefits might involve:

Submitting proposals to designated government agencies or banks.

Completing application forms and submitting necessary documents.

Meeting eligibility criteria.

Obtaining approval.

Q8: What is the timeline for application and approval under this scheme?

A: The timeline for application and approval under the Spice Scheme would depend on the specific scheme guidelines.

Q9: Does this scheme target any specific sectors or industries?

A: The Spice Scheme might prioritize sectors with high environmental impact or resource consumption, such as:




Other sectors with significant environmental impact or resource usage

Q10: How does this scheme promote circular economy practices?

A: The Spice Scheme could promote circular economy practices by incentivizing activities like:



Product design for longevity

Waste material utilization

Q11: What are the benefits of this scheme for MSMEs and the environment?

A: Potential benefits for MSMEs include:

Cost savings

Enhanced resource efficiency

Access to new markets

Reputation for sustainability

Environmental benefits could encompass:

Reduced pollution

Resource conservation

Establishment of a more sustainable economy

Q12: What is the maximum credit subsidy an MSME can receive under this scheme?

A: The maximum credit subsidy for MSMEs under the Spice Scheme is not readily available. It might depend on factors like project size, investment amount, and scheme guidelines.

Q13: Are subsidy rates different based on the circular economy project?

A: It is unclear whether subsidy rates vary based on the specific circular economy project under the Spice Scheme. The scheme guidelines might provide more details on this aspect.

Q14: Are there any collateral requirements for obtaining credit under this scheme?

A: Collateral requirements for obtaining credit under the Spice Scheme might depend on the lending institution and the specific MSME's creditworthiness.

Q15: Is there a minimum project investment requirement to receive benefits under this scheme?

A: A minimum project investment requirement for benefiting from the Spice Scheme is not publicly known. The scheme guidelines would likely specify such criteria.

Q16: Can existing MSMEs adopting circular practices qualify for this scheme?

A: Existing MSMEs that transition towards circular practices could likely qualify for the Spice Scheme, provided they meet the eligibility requirements like adhering to circular economy principles and demonstrating waste reduction plans.

Q17: Does this scheme support research and development in circular economy technologies?

A: The extent to which the Spice Scheme supports research and development in circular economy technologies is uncertain. The scheme's focus might be more on implementation rather than pure research.

Q18: Are there any restrictions on eligible products and types of materials under this scheme?

A: The Spice Scheme might not have specific restrictions on eligible products or material types. However, it would likely prioritize projects that align with circular economy principles, such as promoting reusability, recyclability, and resource efficiency.

Q19: Are there any reporting requirements for MSMEs availing benefits under the scheme?

A: There are likely reporting requirements for MSMEs benefiting from the Spice Scheme. These might involve submitting progress reports, financial statements, or data related to achieved environmental benefits.

Q20: What are the environmental benefits of projects under this scheme?

A: Projects under the Spice Scheme could generate various environmental benefits, such as:

Reduced waste generation through recycling and upcycling.

Conservation of resources like water, energy, and raw materials.

Lowered pollution levels due to decreased waste and efficient resource use.

Mitigation of climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions associated with resource extraction and production.

Q21: How can this scheme help the MSME sector contribute to India's zero-emission target?

A: The Spice Scheme can play a role in helping the MSME sector contribute to India's zero-emission target by:

Encouraging MSMEs to adopt cleaner production processes and technologies.

Promoting the use of recycled and sustainable materials.

Reducing overall waste generation in the MSME sector.

Enabling MSMEs to develop and offer environmentally friendly products and services.

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