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  • contact@financeseva.in


  • 11-Sep-2024



The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is an apex financial institution in India that was established on July 12, 1982, under the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981. NABARD’s primary mission is to promote sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural development through innovative financial mechanisms. It serves as a catalyst for growth in rural areas by providing financial support to a variety of sectors including agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, and handicrafts. 


The organization plays a pivotal role in India's rural economy by offering credit and other financial services to the rural population, which includes farmers, self-help groups (SHGs), and rural entrepreneurs. NABARD aims to facilitate the creation of infrastructure, promote self-reliance in rural areas, and uplift the socio-economic conditions of India’s rural population. 


Through its wide range of schemes, NABARD has become a driving force in ensuring that the rural economy can sustain itself, develop further, and integrate with the mainstream economy. 


Key NABARD Schemes 


1. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF): Established in 1995, RIDF finances the development of rural infrastructure such as roads, irrigation systems, schools, health centers, and rural markets. State governments can avail this fund to carry out infrastructure projects. 


2. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS): This scheme is designed to encourage modern dairy farming techniques, promote the use of technology, and aid entrepreneurs in establishing dairy units. It provides financial assistance to individuals and SHGs in setting up dairy farming businesses. 


3.Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Program: NABARD’s SHG Bank Linkage Program was launched in 1992 with the objective of providing microfinance to the unbanked rural poor. SHGs are encouraged to save money collectively and are provided loans for income-generating activities. 


4. Farmers' Producer Organizations (FPOs): NABARD promotes the establishment of FPOs, which allow farmers to come together, aggregate their produce, and sell collectively to get better prices. FPOs also enable farmers to access better seeds, technology, and credit facilities. 


5. Watershed Development Fund (WDF): This scheme promotes the conservation of water and soil resources in rural areas. NABARD helps implement watershed projects aimed at preventing land degradation and improving water availability for agriculture. 


6. Tribal Development Fund (TDF): Launched to improve the socio-economic conditions of tribal populations, the TDF supports activities like horticulture, irrigation, and livelihood creation. It also promotes tribal participation in local economies. 


7. Off-Farm Sector Promotion (OFSP): NABARD provides financial assistance to off-farm sectors such as handicrafts, rural artisans, and cottage industries, with the goal of diversifying rural income sources and reducing dependence solely on agriculture. 


8.NABARD Infrastructure Development Assistance (NIDA): This scheme offers financial assistance to State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), and other institutions for rural infrastructure projects that require substantial long-term investments. 


9. Credit Facility for Rural Housing: NABARD provides financial support for rural housing development through affordable housing schemes. This initiative encourages low-cost, sustainable construction methods in rural areas. 


10. Micro Irrigation Fund: NABARD manages the Micro Irrigation Fund, which is designed to promote efficient water management practices through micro-irrigation technologies like drip and sprinkler systems. This scheme is crucial for enhancing water productivity in agriculture. 


Advantages of NABARD Schemes 


1. Access to Institutional Credit: NABARD’s schemes ensure that rural farmers, entrepreneurs, and self-help groups (SHGs) have access to affordable and timely credit. This credit helps them invest in improving agricultural productivity and setting up small businesses. 


2. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: Through initiatives like watershed development, NABARD promotes sustainable farming practices. This includes soil conservation, efficient water usage, and modern farming techniques that increase productivity while conserving resources. 


3. **Rural Infrastructure Development: Schemes like RIDF focus on building essential infrastructure such as roads, irrigation systems, schools, and healthcare centers. This improves the overall quality of life in rural areas and aids economic growth. 


4. Empowering Rural Entrepreneurs: NABARD encourages entrepreneurship in rural areas by offering financial support to small-scale industries, artisans, and handicraft makers. This helps create job opportunities, reducing migration to urban areas. 


5.Women Empowerment: Through SHG programs, NABARD supports the financial inclusion and empowerment of women by providing them access to microloans. These initiatives help women start businesses, contribute to household income, and gain financial independence. 


6. Poverty Alleviation: By providing microfinance, improving agricultural productivity, and promoting rural non-farm sectors, NABARD plays a significant role in reducing poverty in rural India. 


7. Encourages Collective Efforts: NABARD promotes the formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs), enabling farmers and rural entrepreneurs to pool resources, negotiate better prices, and access technology and markets collectively. 


8.Environmental Sustainability: Through its watershed development and micro-irrigation projects, NABARD emphasizes the importance of environmental sustainability. These projects help conserve natural resources while boosting agricultural productivity. 


9. Low Interest Rates: NABARD loans often come at concessional interest rates compared to commercial loans. This makes borrowing affordable for rural farmers and businesses. 


10. Support for Tribal and Vulnerable Communities: NABARD’s Tribal Development Fund (TDF) provides support to tribal communities through projects focused on horticulture, irrigation, and income generation, ensuring inclusive growth. 


11. Focus on Innovation: NABARD encourages innovative solutions in agriculture and rural development through its Rural Innovation Fund (RIF). This fund supports projects that bring creative and sustainable solutions to rural problems. 


12. Disaster Management: NABARD also offers schemes that focus on risk management in agriculture, including crop insurance and disaster recovery assistance. This ensures that farmers are protected from unforeseen losses due to natural calamities. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 


1. What is NABARD? 

   NABARD stands for the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. It is a development bank that provides financial assistance to improve agriculture, rural industries, and infrastructure. 


2. Who is eligible for NABARD schemes? 

   Farmers, self-help groups (SHGs), rural entrepreneurs, cooperative societies, public sector undertakings (PSUs), and state governments can apply for various NABARD schemes. 


3. What types of financial assistance does NABARD provide? 

   NABARD provides loans, subsidies, and grants for agriculture, dairy farming, infrastructure projects, entrepreneurship, and microfinance, among other activities. 


4. How can I apply for a NABARD scheme? 

   You can apply through the nearest bank that offers NABARD-backed schemes, rural cooperative banks, or regional rural banks (RRBs). Some applications may also be processed through NABARD offices or their website. 


5.What is the interest rate for NABARD loans?  

The interest rates vary depending on the scheme and borrower profile, but NABARD loans are typically offered at concessional rates to support rural development. 


6. What is the SHG Bank Linkage Program? 

The Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Program is a microfinance initiative that provides credit to rural women and men organized into SHGs. These groups pool savings and can take out loans for income-generating activities. 


7. How does NABARD help farmers? 

NABARD provides farmers with access to credit, promotes modern agricultural practices, and helps them organize into Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to access markets and technology. 


8. Does NABARD support non-farm sectors? 

Yes, NABARD provides financial assistance to non-farm sectors such as handicrafts, small-scale industries, and rural artisans to diversify rural incomes. 


9. What is the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)?   

 This scheme supports dairy farming by providing financial assistance to establish modern dairy units, which helps entrepreneurs expand dairy production and create jobs. 


10.What is the Tribal Development Fund (TDF)?   

The TDF supports the socio-economic development of tribal communities by financing projects in horticulture, agriculture, and irrigation. 


11. What is the Micro Irrigation Fund? 

NABARD manages the Micro Irrigation Fund to promote the efficient use of water in agriculture through technologies like drip and sprinkler irrigation. 


12. How does NABARD promote environmental sustainability?     

NABARD supports projects focused on watershed management, soil conservation, and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure long-term environmental sustainability. 




NABARD is a cornerstone of India’s rural development framework, playing a crucial role in ensuring the financial inclusion of rural populations and the sustainable development of agriculture and rural industries. Its wide array of schemes address various aspects of rural life, including infrastructure, sustainable farming, entrepreneurship, and women’s empowerment. NABARD’s continued efforts in financing and supporting rural initiatives have not only improved agricultural productivity but have also brought about significant socio-economic changes in India’s rural landscape. 


By connecting rural communities with credit facilities and modern practices, NABARD helps empower millions of people, ensuring that rural India progresses alongside urban India. Whether you are a farmer, a rural entrepreneur, or part of a self-help group, NABARD’s schemes offer opportunities for growth, and success.

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