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MSME GIFT Subsidy Scheme

  • 22-Apr-2024

Are you a Micro, Small or Medium Enterprise (MSME) looking to embrace eco-friendly practices but worried about the cost? The Government of India's MSME Green Investment and Financing for Transformation (MSME GIFT) scheme can help! This blog will be your one-stop guide to navigating the MSME GIFT subsidy, packed with information and insights to help your business go green.

We'll be answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) compiled from various sources, including those addressed by CA Vikas Jain, a prominent expert in the field. Additionally, we'll delve deeper into the scheme's nitty-gritty, exploring:

  • Eligibility criteria: Understand if your MSME qualifies for the MSME GIFT subsidy.
  • Benefits offered: Discover the financial assistance available for adopting green technologies.
  • Application process: Learn the steps involved in applying for the subsidy.
  • Success stories: Get inspired by real-world examples of MSMEs benefiting from the scheme.

Whether you're considering solar power, energy-efficient equipment, or waste reduction initiatives, the MSME GIFT subsidy can empower your business to become more sustainable. Stay tuned for regular updates, insightful discussions, and expert advice to help you navigate this exciting green opportunity!


What is the Green Investment and Financing for Transformation (GIFT) Interest Subvention Scheme? 


GIFT Interest Subvention Scheme is a program by the Government of India reduces the interest burden on MSMEs who  take for adopting eco friendly technologies.  


What is the objective of the GIFT scheme? 


Promote and facilitate investments in environment-friendly and sustainable projects. 


Which Ministry launched this scheme ? 


Ministry of MSME


When was MSME GIFT scheme was Launched ? 


20 Dec 2023  


What if the role of SIDBI  in this scheme ? 


SIDBI Is the implementing agency  for the scheme.  


Who benefits from the GIFT scheme ? 


Businesses, industries, and other entities undertaking green projects can benefit from the scheme. 


How does the MSME GIFT scheme benefit MSMEs ? 


Overall interest cost will be reduced.  


What types of projects are eligible under the GIFT scheme? 


Projects promoting renewable energy, 

Energy efficiency,  

Waste management,  

Sustainable agriculture are typically eligible. 


Are there any specific sectors targeted by the scheme? 



Focus on clean energy,  

Sustainable infrastructure, 

Environment-friendly manufacturing. 


 What is the minimum loan amount required to be eligible for the subvention? 


The minimum loan amount required for subvention eligibility varies depending on the program or lender. 


 Are there any loan tenure limitations for availing the subvention? 


Maximum 5 years  


 What percentage of the interest rate is subsidized under the GIFT scheme? 


2% per annum for maximum  5 years. 


 Is there a cap on the total subvention amount provided per project? 


Maximum eligible loan amount is 2 crore for getting subvention on project.  


 For how long is the interest subvention provided? 


Maximum period is 5 years  


 Does the interest subvention apply to all loan type? 


Apply only loans used for acquiring green technologies .  



 What is credit guarantee support in the MSME GIFT Scheme? 


The government provides a partial guarantee to lending institutions against potential loan defaults by MSMEs. 


 What percentage of the loan amount is guaranteed under the scheme? 


Under this scheme, 80% of the loan amount is guaranteed by the government. 


 Does the credit guarantee eliminate the need for collateral from MSMEs? 


Yes, the credit guarantee often eliminates the need for collateral from MSMEs. 


 How does the credit guarantee benefit MSMEs? 


By mitigating the risk for lenders, the guarantee can improve MSMEs' access to loans for green technologies. 


 Are there any conditions for availing the credit guarantee support? 


Yes, conditions likely involve meeting MSME eligibility criteria, adhering to the scheme's green technology guidelines, and fulfilling the lending institution's loan approval process. 


How do MSMEs know if a lender participates in the MSME GIFT Scheme's credit guarantee program? 


MSMEs can inquire with SIDBI or directly contact potential lenders to confirm their participation. 


 What happens if an MSME defaults on a loan with credit guarantee support? 


The government guarantee will likely cover a portion of the outstanding loan amount according to the scheme's terms. 


 Are there any costs associated with availing the credit guarantee support? 


There might be fees associated with the guarantee, potentially borne by the MSME or lender.  


 How can MSMEs ensure they comply with the credit guarantee terms? 


Careful adherence to the loan agreement, proper utilization of funds for approved green technologies, and timely repayments are crucial. 


 What are the potential drawbacks of relying on credit guarantee support? 


MSMEs might still need to meet some loan eligibility requirements, and there could be associated fees. 


 Which banks and financial institutions offer loans under the GIFT scheme? 


The GIFT scheme is typically offered through participating banks and financial institutions, which may vary depending on the country or region. 


 Is there a dedicated list of approved lenders for the GIFT scheme? 

Yes, there is usually a dedicated list of approved lenders for the GIFT scheme, which can vary by country or region. 


 What is the process for enterprises to apply for the GIFT scheme? 


Approaching a participating lender  

Submitting the required documents along with the loan application. 

Participating lender will approve the loan under this scheme.  


 What documents are typically required for a GIFT scheme application? 


Vary depending on the lender and project type. 

Include project feasibility report, environmental clearances, and financial statements. 


 Is there a central application portal for the GIFT scheme? 


Not centralized application system.  

Each participating lender have its own application process. 


 What are the criteria for project evaluation under the GIFT scheme? 


Project's environmental benefits,  

Financial viability,  

Alignment with the scheme's objectives 


 Who evaluates the projects for the GIFT scheme? 


Loaning institution will evaluate the with government-defined parameters. 


 What is the typical timeline for project evaluation and approval under the GIFT scheme? 


Timeframe can vary depending on the lender and project complexity. 


 How is the interest subvention disbursed under the GIFT scheme? 


Interest subvention directly credited to the borrower's account at the end of each financial year and adjusted in  


 What is the loan repayment terms under the GIFT scheme? 


Repayment terms, including interest rate (after subvention), tenure, and penalties, are determined by the loan agreement with the lender. 






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